Add traceability to help create winning Call To Action (CTA) for your social ads

Writing a winning call to action (CTA) is core to the success of your marketing campaign. The CTA is built to not only encourage website visitors to take the desired action on your offer but also helps to give meaning to the offer and track the effectiveness of the message. Knowing that a CTA is one of the most critical inbound marketing tools, it is important to tailor it effectively so that it provides the required information from prospective customers.

CTA as hyperlinks help in giving a direct link to more detailed content and further strengthen the message. These hyperlinks can contain tracking parameters to help collect as much relevant information as possible about how a visitor ended up on the website.

One of the drawbacks with the additional of tracking parameters in the URL is that it makes the URL very long and increases the character count in the text message. When this is used in an SMS campaign, it can make the message costly as each SMS message can either max out at 160 characters in English and 70 characters for non-GSM characters like Arabic, Chinese, etc. When using these URLs in an SMS campaign, shortening the URL is effective to save on the cost of the SMS campaign.

Reson8 provides a hyperlink (URL) shortener to help reduce the length of the URL and still package all the required tracking parameters. We have now extended Reson8 to allow additional tracking of where the CTA was triggered and present this via a geo-location map report.

Reson8 helps you identify trends and patterns in where, and how, visitors engage with your message and helps to assess the effectiveness of the CTA. By tracking which content influenced in increasing the traffic to your website, products and services content, you can surface the best-performing CTA and make your entire sales team more effective.

Do you wish to setup a unique URL based campaign? Register now!

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